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Courageous Mom: Feliz

For our Valentines feature, we honor the woman who not just showed her unconditional love, patience, endurance and deep compassion for her daughter, Courageous Caitie, but also  her enduring and unwavering love for her husband, Jayjay. Amidst​ all the trials that the couple has been through, what remained constant was their love in Jesus and their complete trust in His will.


How do you feel now that you’re pregnant?

“At first I was scared with the idea of being pregnant again but I realized that even this, I have to surrender that God is sovereign and knows all things and has mapped out a plan. So I choose to be joyful.”



What does it mean to be a courageous mom?

Courage for me isnt living in the absence of fear but it is to choose to continue living despite the presence of uncertainty and fear. I believe every woman who becomes a mother develops courage. There will always be fears of your child’s future, health and stability but to live excellently and do your best 100% as if everything depended on you and 100% pray as if everything depended on the Lord is important. Never just 50-50.



What does sexy truly means to you?

Sexy is when my husband loves my imperfections. It empowers me that my weaknesses and my imperfections are loved. And all the more that I am emcouraged to be less of myself and become more of what I can become.




What did your husband have to say about having a boudoir session?

As a photographer it has always been something that he wanted to do and see but never had the opportunity to do it. With the session with boudoir dolls he didn’t just  enjoy selecting the lingerie but he saw the changes in my body and saw the woman I have become.



If there’s one important message to empower women out there, what would it be?

We do not need to see vulnerability as a weakness but to embrace it and allow it be transform you. In Japan, a broken item is fixed with a gold lining and it makes it more valuable. Our greatest weakness, if we allow it too can be our greatest strengths.



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